The Floating Experience

Still Waters Float Center Pod - Quincy, IL

The Basic Experience of Floating

Each float is unique, but some things remain the same every time.

You enter the tank and lie on your back in the incredibly supportive arms of water containing about 1350 pounds of Epsom Salts.

Water temperature is designed to match your skin temperature. What does that mean? It means that your edges are erased.

You are floating with your ears just within the water, in a place where there is no pressure pushing against your body, and no noise from the outside world for your ears to hear.

Then you turn off the lights and soon the music stops. You experience freedom from external distractions.

Now your body and mind have a new abundance of resources which are freed from processing outside stimuli. It’s amazing what can happen.

Your body can rest. Your mind can manufacture feel-good chemicals. You can explore serenity….or anything else it chooses.

The floating part comes from the super buoyancy of the water which gently supports the body in a way that feels nearly gravity-free and allows the body to be free to experience a different kind of rest.

Why is it so buoyant? The magic ingredient is Epsom Salt, or Magnesium Sulfate, which interacts with the body in many ways. Magnesium is reported to help provide better sleep, calm the nervous system, support muscles tissue and increase its flexibility, support the skeletal structure, alkalize and hydrate the body. Sulfates are found in our every cell and play a role in the production of collagen, detoxifying the body, supporting the digestive system, pancreas function and the secretion of digestive enzymes, as well as having antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Are all the effects physical? Not really. Floating is a time when your mind can roam freely, exploring meditation, puzzling out answers to problems, or dreaming up your next creative endeavor. Each float will be a unique experience unto itself.

Still Waters Float Center | 900 Broadway St., Quincy, IL 62301 | 217-214-4455